Saturday, May 14, 2011


State Conundrum Answer:

Which State name written in all capital letters will look the same turned upside down and in the mirror?

Please see embedded video for answer :)

Today's Conundrum:

Which of the words from the second line most closely matches the words on the first line?



(Use this link if the video will not play for you iMovie video)

I really wish I would have known abut the crop and rotate feature two weeks ago.  My daughter did a video for her presentation on W. E. B. DuBois and she had her little brother pretend he was W. E. B. DuBois in a video clip.  I recorded the video with the camera turned sideways, because I thought it looked better, but did not realize it was not going to be obvious how to rotate it.  Since we did not know how to rotate it, we did not include any of the footage in her video.  I included it in the embedded video, both an outake (unrotated) and a good clip (rotated) to show the new skill I learned.  

I also included the answer to the last conundrum in the video clip, because I wanted to demonstrate the clip in clip feature I learned from the tutorial.  I do not believe that I am an iMovie expert yet, but with a little more practice, I'll be well on my way!

1 comment:

  1. I had to report the video, because it wouldn't play. I added a link to the video on my viddler site, because it is still acting weird at times. I hope you enjoy!
